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5 Lovely Things & 5 Lovely Links

February 19, 2012

I love cute stuff, small businesses and social responsibility and when all three are combined into one, well, these kind of businesses have a special place in my heart. I came across Noonday Collection via Caiti’s blog Life is a Canvas and I fell in love with their shop immediately. So, this week’s pick are all from Noonday Collection, I think you’ll like them as much as I do – such lovely things and such a great business. Enjoy. :)

{Lovely Things}
1. Cozy arm warmers, knitted by women in Peru who can integrate this into their lives and earn supplemental income.
2. Clutch made out of cotton and recycled cassette tapes in India by artisans who are learning to become self-sufficient and self-employed.
3. Juice cups hand-painted by artisans in Kashmir who receive a decent wage and safe working conditions.
4. Beautiful rainy day tea towel printed on 100% organic and fair trade cotton.
5. Gorgeous scarf knitted by women in Peru.

{Lovely Links}
1. I love this post at The Inspired Room on creating destinations in your home. I have a few nooks in my house that could be turned into destinations instead of sitting empty and unloved as they are now!
2. It’s been so cold in my home country that people have been ice skating on Amsterdam canals.
3. If you need a reminder that your words and actions can impact others powerfully even when you’re not aware of it, listen to Drew Dudley talk about everyday leadership.
4. Fun and original latte art. (Via A Cup of Jo.)
5. I’ve heard good things about this, so I’m intrigued by the Bar Method, a workout that integrates principles from several exercise methods including stretches used by dancers. I wonder if you can do this without having access to an actual bar (the kind that you hold on to in ballet class, not the kind that you go to for a beer!)? Must do more research!

9 Comments leave one →
  1. February 20, 2012 12:13 am

    I’m so glad you checked out their shop! I feel bad that my post was mostly me being a Complain-y Complainerson about Pinterest when this company actually has such amazing stuff. I love the items you picked and might have to bookmark this post to add to my Monthly Faves list (and hopefully make up for a little bit of my grumpiness!)

    Regarding Bar Method, one possible alternative to check out is Barre3. I bought the DVD at the recommendation of Kaileen Elise and really love it. It really makes your muscles burn! It’s similar principles to BM and combines yoga, pilates and “bar” work– and you just use a dining chair for the bar portion. The founder (Sadie) has a really calming disposition that I like for the DVD.

  2. February 20, 2012 8:10 am

    I love the clutch and the juice cups, So darling! Great finds!

  3. February 20, 2012 11:22 am

    Definitely have to check out the shop, their stuff looks adorable! And I saw that people are ice skating on the canals in Amsterdam, that would be so much fun!

  4. February 20, 2012 12:04 pm

    This post is chock full with interesting/pretty stuff!
    I love the handwarmers, the skaters in Amsterdam, the lollipop moments, tha bar method…

  5. February 20, 2012 12:48 pm

    I loved the Latte art on Cup of Jo – how did they get the foam to do all that??

  6. February 20, 2012 4:36 pm

    I love the canal ice skating! That is something that would never happen here.

    Also, that clutch is adorable.

  7. February 21, 2012 9:13 am

    I love all those things pictured, especially the arm warmers and the clutch- so cute! The fact that they help women in other countries provide for their families makes it ten times better!

  8. ChrystinaNoel permalink
    February 29, 2012 9:30 am

    First of all, those cups are adorable. Really really pretty, and a great size too – I’m going to have to remember that. Second, this concept of bar method is pretty awesome – I can’t seem to make myself go to the gym, but I have a chance of getting myself to work out if it involves dance in some way.

  9. March 7, 2012 3:04 pm

    Thanks for showing off our latte art!

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