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Word for 2012

January 2, 2012

Last year, I chose “Effort” for 2011 with the intention to just put effort into what mattered to me without worrying about outcomes too much.

And the past year…I have worked harder – I put in more hours at my day job AND while I haven’t worked as much as I wanted on our house, my interior decorating course, building my business or this blog, I’ve overall given in less to voices of self-doubt and instead acted more on ideas I had. And it felt really, really good.

This year, I am choosing Step Up.

There are two visuals that come to mind for me:

A line of people standing next to each other, military style, and one person simply stepping forward when a volunteer is asked for a job.

One person putting up their hand in a classroom to give the answer to a question.

I don’t really like standing out whether in a good or a bad way, I am a sensitive person and it tends to bring my stress levels up (sometimes waaaay up). For example, in school, even when I knew the answer to a question, I’d often wait until absolutely no one else knew the answer before I’d finally put my hand up. And there are many other ways in which I (still!) resist standing out because the thought of it stresses me out.

But…I cannot be true to who I am without sometimes being that person who stands out. We are all unique and when we are true to ourselves, there will be times when you’re won’t fit into a mold or someone else’s idea of who you should be.

This year, I feel that there are things I want to do that will require me to step up, not in a pushy way, but simply to metaphorically step forward and out of the line or put up my hand.

So I am letting myself be guided by this idea of stepping up and I am curious to see what it will bring up for me in 2012.

Besides picking my word for the year, I have also done some reflecting on the past year, my core values and my plans and goals for the upcoming year.

I plan to take the first couple of weeks of January to continue working on this and thought I’d share some resources I’ve used, in case you’re interested:

I’ve used

This printable Word of the Year worksheet.
This printable End of the Year Review exercise.
This e-book that helps you determine your core values. (It’s priced at $35 and even though I got it for cheaper during a sale, I think it’s worth that because I honestly can’t believe how it has put certain things in perspective for me and helped me understand my motivation and also what does not motivate me.)

And I am planning to also
Write a letter to my future self.
Fill out this lovely workbook for Unravelling 2012.
And maybe also journal about these prompts.

As you can see, I am absolutely in the mood to dive in this year and do some hardcore introspecting to start this year off well…maybe it has something to do with the fact that I turn 30 this year. Maybe I am just having a lot of fun with it…

What about you? Any ideas for where you want your focus to be in 2012?

11 Comments leave one →
  1. January 2, 2012 11:43 pm

    I like the idea of picking a word for the year! It’s hard to put yourself out there, but I know you’ll do great! I definitely hope to do some stepping up of my own this year.

  2. January 3, 2012 1:45 am

    Wow…yes you will turn 30 this year!! Wow!! Maybe nice to know we found (and bought) a present for you already! Wasn’t going to tell you..but needed to now:) Love you so mucho!

  3. January 3, 2012 2:39 am

    I just read this phrase ” I’m the one who is responsible for knowing what I need, and for getting those needs met”. I will concentrate on my needs, it will mean less expectations from others and less disaippontment. On the whole, more serenity, don’t you think?

  4. January 3, 2012 8:27 am

    Thanks so much for stopping by Simplistic Living! I am excited to see how my word ‘vitality’ works out this year. Love the word step up, I can’t wait to keep reading and see the word play out in your life this year. I hope 2012 is absolutely wonderful for you! <3

  5. January 3, 2012 11:09 am

    Wonderful word, Jadyn! I definitely understand that it can be hard to put yourself out there sometimes. And thank you for sharing your resources; I hadn’t seen some of them yet. May your 2012 be full of joy and wonder!

  6. January 3, 2012 4:04 pm

    You might want to try this….

    We’re using it for something at work and it’s pretty quick and gives you kind of cool results.

    • January 5, 2012 10:30 am

      Thank you Stacy! This looks great, will definitely do the assessment!

  7. ChrystinaNoel permalink
    January 3, 2012 9:19 pm

    I know that feeling about raising your hand in class! There were only three things that could get me to talk – one was, as you said, waiting until absolutely nobody else knew the answer or two – waiting until the teacher started to look really uncomfortable or three – if the teacher was being “reviewed” that day and you wanted her to look good in front of the principal. Here’s to stepping up in 2012!!

  8. January 4, 2012 7:08 pm

    I like this!

  9. January 6, 2012 5:59 pm

    What a fantastic idea. I can’t wait to pick a word and tape it to my desktop at work so that I don’t forget about it! Thank you for the inspiration, Jadyn.


  1. Well, hello 2013 « Dutch.British.Love

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